Sometimes in life, all we need is to be alone. In today's society, that seems to be impossible. It's too easy to be disturbed, be it by a phone call, an SMS, or simply the hectic pace of life that drags us away.
With urbanisation, there are less and less available places to be alone. Buildings go up where secluded spots used to be. even the vast ocean is dotted with cargo ships , oil rigs...
Even the place i'm in now, just 100m opposite this clearing is a factory of some sort. Sparks are flying, machines are grinding. Even now, at 120AM.
Behind me is the sea. The calming quality of this expanse of water is almost mystical (i struggle for a better word).
-a beautiful stray cat is circling me as i write, probably looking for more of the tuna sandwich i fed it with moments ago. Or maybe it's looking for the affectionate strokes of its soft grey fur i pampered it with earlier. It brushes against my legs, gleaming blue eyes poring at me. It meows. It really is a beautiful cat. It's tunnelling between my legs now. i wonder what's on its mind? what's on mine?-
I jut finished 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks.. and i see why tehre's such critical acclaim for the book. Toward the last quarter of it, i was battling tears! The lump in my throat was hard to ignore. The beautiful, romantic story of Noah and Allie was just so well written! At the end of it i was feeling all emo and just thinking about life.
(whiskers is just sitting at my feet now, its ever-sparkling eyes begging at me some unknown request) (lol yes, i named it whiskers) (it actually meowed in response!!)
My plan for bookout is simple - all WOW related. i mean, sure, if bestie asks me for dinner or sth i ain't gonna reject her. but it seems like i'm always the one who initiates it so guess it wont happen.
but am i content with my plans?
what do iw ant? i want to sit by the ocean with a companion and just pour out my thoughts, my dreams, with that person. This person doesn't have to be a romantic companion though of course that's preferable. No, i just need someone who can listen well, can express interest, understanding, concern, care. Who i care about enough to want to hear the same from so that i can be the listener.
-censored out a portion of what i wrote-
It's strange, the clarity i'm feeling now. It's 2am and i feel no hint of sleepiness. It must be the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that 'The Notebook' has triggered in me.
(Whiskers has left me, probably to its place of rest. It was stretching and yawning moments ago)
I thought 'A walk to remember' was a good movie.. but after reading 'the notebook' (same author as the novel walk to remember) .. the book must be freaking awesome and much better than the movie! (like it always is) I must find myself a copy.. ah..
(oh look, there's Whiskers in the distance, walking around)
ok, i shall end off with a poem. let's see how the words flow..
True Love
To find (true) love is a blessing
A privilege most covet
A stolen heart will always sing
Endlessly of the culprit
Sweet, is the touch of a lover
Bitter, will be separation
Gently, one might stir
in the blanket of emotion
The warmth of her embrace
Comforting is her voice
like forbidden fruit, her lips must taste
resistance is not a choice
When conquest leads to failure
One may truly doubt
The ability to find such a girl
that your life is all about
To fail is not to try at all
to see what love is worth
to realise life is so much more
perhaps one day I'll find true love.
alan teo (c) 2009